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The Rp community Sucks on- by PrincessofAsgard29

The rping community kinda sucks on DA. I mean ya it's a bunch of young people too, I have almost forgot about that- but people there can be SO rude. It's incredible! I mean it depends on how popular you are within the community as well. >< Also there's a couple of Steve's and Bucky's that get me annoyed liked crazy. So judge-y and rude. Not to mention hypocritical! I know everyone wants to be accepted in their own way online, if they are not accepted outside- but... I'm not sure. I just think some people have to realize, that they need to be mindful of other feelings too. Because when I try to rp with pep, I just get rude responses. If i try helping a friend out, I usually get blamed and get yelled out. It's never either or. I think people also have to learn to stay mindful and to butt out of other's businesses. It's so disturbing of how DA is becoming after all these years of it's service you know? Sighs Don't mind my mindless rambles though. I'm just - irritated with the Rp community on DA.

The Rp community Sucks on-


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    I agree with you, whoever your RPing doesn't matter, you should treat other RPers with the same respect/consideration you expect from others

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      Thank you! I have lost my interest on DA, cause the people who rp on there are just rude and they start a lot of mindless drama on there. But when you express your own feelings, they snap at you and start trouble with ya. Also it depends on what character you make and who you are as a person. That's why I lost interest on there quite a lot. A good amount rper's on there are not nice.

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        DX bleeeh flippin' DA shakes fist

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          lol! shakes fist with you They're so judgmental when it comes to rp on DA! And I made a Thor RP account! D: people LOVE Thor! cries

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            omg Thor seems like such a fun character, idk why some rpers can be so rude and judgemental >m<;;