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Had It With my Work Place by PrincessofAsgard29

UGH I'm so annoyed at my work place. They are not the least bit considerate when it comes to other co-workers schedules. I specifically told my work place I AM ONLY AVAILABLE TO WORK ON THE WEEKENDS. Not through the week!! But I work at a wedding venue, so they really depend on the parties and then they just place co-workers down after. They were gunna place me on a Tuesday and Wednesday. But my mother reminded me I have to do something on one of those days- I accidentally canceled Tuesday where I had to cancel Wednesday! So I have nothing to do on Tuesday, but I have a lot of stuff to do on Wednesday. I don't want to recall them because they will be annoyed. -.- ( and besides I don't want to work on Tuesday anyway) So after I go to this place on Wednesday, I have to get dressed and drive to my work place. The time I have to work from Wednesday is from frigen 7-12 MIDNIGHT probably. They were lucky I didn't have class yet though!

My class schedule switched though from Monday's to Wednesdays. Last year it was Tuesdays to Thursdays. (I think I am taking morning classes again; I don't mind getting up that early) ^^

But ugh, see how busy I can be? I have to tell my work place though that I can't work through the week if they need my help because I have volunteer hours and I will SOON start college again very soon. cries inside because she's slightly stressed

But seriously- no thank you job; I don't want to spend my whole day working for you with rude people and co-workers. -.-



Had It With my Work Place


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