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:COMMISSIONS OPEN: Jobs and Art by Cloud A.

It has finally happened after months of hunting, Cloud is going to be a baker. Funnily enough I was originally offered this position in June by QFC and they didn't follow back up with me yet as of now I shall officially be working starting next Monday and it couldn't have come any sooner.

This is big news for me and I'd like to thank everyone who offered their help and support in my relentless job search. Now that I know I'll be able to afford living in Seattle onto the next order of business. Commissions! & 's pieces haven't arrived yet from CA and for those one the list I'm still chipping down at a steady and enjoyable pace. I'm no longer overwhelmed or stressed, I'm loving this new found inspiration and determination to improve my work. I Still have enough supplies to last for another couple pieces and I have plenty to do on both personal and gift ideas. The holidays are coming up and I can start planning to figure out what I'm going to do for both Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Thank you for those who actually read/skim my journals in means a lot to know they're written aside from me reading them! X) I'm eagerly working on my next piece and I can't wait to upload soon! <3 <3 <3

With warm affection,

Cloud A.


Cloud A.

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  • Link

    Congrats! That's awesome! I run my own little baking business in the summer at the local farmer's markets. It's a decent gig!

    • Link

      It sounds like fun even if it's a ton of work I'm definitely up for the challenge! <3 Thanks man!

  • Link

    the baking horse! =^.^= sounds like a great fit, glad that stressful part is over, i know art comes so much easier when not stressed out about other things in life!

    • Link

      I couldn't agree more I've got a ton of things to work on and I'm so excited to get to put down all these ideas onto paper! XD