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Tiger Tails and other stories by TerinasTiger

So I see that a certain character of mine defied his creator and posted up a story purely to stroke his own ego. I won't deign to comment on this save to say I'm sure he's very proud of himself. :3

For serious though, Tiger Tails was another story in the style of Second Childhood, where I just sat down and FORCED myself to keep writing with minimum editing or research or forethought as possible. The result is a story that usually needs to be edited and revised before I upload it, but in an effort to break out of my latest slump I put it up. Sorry, no quality control there, but people seem to have liked it anyway, and it IS helpful in getting me to produce faster. I may do more of these in the future. At the very least to force me to stop worrying about eternally re-writing and never publishing anything.

I know I've been silent for a while, as is my nature. But truth be told, there's a lot of stuff in the works. I've got at least 4 partially finished stories I've been working on (Since I can't seem to stay focused on ONE unless I force myself to...) and I think I'll have a lot more stuff for people soon. I'm debating splitting my channel so that the more serious "Plot" stories are here, and then there's a secondary account for my more fetishy works, though. It seems like a reasonable way to arrange things, and I'd like to be able to show some less kinky friends of mine my FA page someday.

That being said, there's going ot at least be another Month-long pause from me (A "paws", if you'll indulge my odd lust for puns). The reason for this is NaNoWriMo, where I plan on writing something less Furry, and more something I could submit to a real life publisher at some point. I have a story in mind I'd love to make real, and even if I can't finish the NaNoWriMo challenge, it's a good excuse to bust my butt trying.

The next Teri & Kristoph story, Courtship, will be uploaded immediately after November ends, however! It's going to be split up into parts, like a serial, and I've already got the first two parts written and many more scripted out.. I plan on updating it at least twice a month until it's finished. I'm not good at following plans, so we'll see, but I'm hopeful for this schedule since I'm starting with a buffer.

Anyways, thanks for reading this if for some weird reason you actually read the journals I write, and have a great day!

Tiger Tails and other stories


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