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Three Conventions in San Jose by NaniMoose

There are three cons coming up that are local to me that I plan on going to:

This weekend it's a new furry con, Pacific Anthro Weekend:

In early December, there's GaymerX, an alternative-sexuality gaming convention:

And of course there's FC in January:

So that PAW con kind of snuck up, I haven't really heard any of the local furs talking about it. In fact there was more buzz for the fundraiser they did last year than for the con itself this year. Very odd. Still, might as well check it out. Hopefully they'll have a decent drawing/hangout room, it shouldn't be hard to have one better than FC's. :P

GX used to be in San Francisco proper, in Japan town. Now it'll be in the same space on the side of the convention hall that FC uses. It'll be interesting to see how that works out.

As usual, if you catch me, I'd be happy to doodle some porn in your sketchbook... Ha, well maybe not so openly at GX, but certainly at the furry cons!

Three Conventions in San Jose


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    Awww I wish I were going to those. I want to street pass you again, you're my favourite Mii!

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    at the same HOTEL no less! ha ha! have fun at gaymer X, you'll have to let me know how it goes. i had fun at the last one, but it was mostly 'cause of you two and voln!! we could probably just run, you know like moosecon and have just as much fun with 4 of us and a wii U and a couple sketch books. ha! ha!