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Rain and My Windowsill by ACDragon

My window frame is bent in such a way that the bottom portion is on a downward slope ending on the left-hand side. The top portion, however, remains level. This causes a couple of problems, the first being that the movable pane jiggles around inside the frame a lot more than it should, and the second being that rain water gathers inside the frame on the left, which eventually overflows onto my windowsill, wall, and my floor.

Management can't really do much about it without replacing the entire window, and though I put in a work order for that exact thing several months ago, they haven't even attempted it. Last I heard from them about it was about two months ago when they sent some people to measure the window itself. I haven't heard back from them since.

Well, last night it started raining really heavily out here, so the runoff into my windowsill, wall, and floor was much more pronounced than it has been in the past. According to the Weather Channel, this area will have seen anywhere from six inches to a foot of rain by the end of the day today. I couldn't sleep last night because the runoff caused horribly heavy humidity in my apartment, making it hotter than I could handle it even with the air conditioner set to 64 degrees, the lowest I've ever set it and I think the lowest that it will actually go. So I built a fancy contraption out of aluminum foil, thumbtacks, and masking tape, which channeled the water down the sill and down one portion of the wall to a bowl on the floor. Through the night it only filled up a little bit, but a few minutes ago, the rain runoff filled two casserole bowls and a large plastic storage container I normally put rolls of ground beef in the refrigerator in. This was over the span of maybe five minutes.

The contraption itself is unsightly at best but it is effective so far as I can tell. However, because of the sheer volume of water it collected I folded up a bath towel and placed it in the windowframe in an attempt to soak up most of the water, and the runoff seems to have become much less pronounced.

The alternative to what I'm doing would be to drill a hole into the bottom of the window frame itself and place a small spout outside of it so that the water would drain outside, but I doubt that management would like that very much as compared to what I've set up in here. At the same time, I do worry that they might still have a problem with this setup, but since it's on the inside of the window I'm hoping they'll be more forgiving on the matter.

Rain and My Windowsill


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