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First world problems by foxboyprower

You've probably heard the phrase "first world problems" used. One person will complain about something similar to "Most of the new movies out are sequels are remakes" and another will respond, "First world problems".

This is a lighthearted way to put things in perspective. I think that some people use this phrase the wrong way. I've seen responses from some along the lines of "First world problems. Stop complaining". This seems to me faulty reasoning. In short this implies that while there are nations in poverty, the first world countries should cease improvement and progress. I might be inferring too much, but I don't like it when the phrase is used as an attempt to stifle complaints.

If you read my journals, you know I don't take first world problems lightly. Most of the issues I feel strongly about are first world problems. I complain about urban sprawl, double standards, and semantics. Solving these problems is a good thing and don't think it should be slowed just because unfortunate nations exist.

I think third world countries should be helped, however I don't think "first world problems" should be used past a humorous way to look at things in perspective.

First world problems


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    I agree completely; just because there are bigger problems in the world doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive to fix smaller ones too. x) The only time I'd be serious about something like that is if someone had their priorities REALLY screwed up, and those types of people I don't hang out with anyway. x)

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      That's a good policy.

      I like using the phrase because it's funny to think about. When the roosterteeth podcast uses it, it's really funny because those guys have a nice life and a cool job.