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The 'second' time I had this badass dream? by GuzzleMuzzle

Only somehow, Onision was in it.

So before I mention the best parts, I should start with the beginning. xD Somehow, against likelihood, my parents took me to where Onision supposedly lived. Why, I'll never know. The meeting was on some sort of BS grounds, and in it there was an air of clandestineness about identities and activities, for some reason. He lived in a very nice house, similar to (one?) that the Game Grumps live in. Leaving there left me with a sour taste in my mouth, not so much due to Onision, but due to my parents' interactions with him. Why this part of the dream was there was beyond me.


On to the best part.


It was near the beginning of a new year, but maybe two or three months into it. I must've been younger than I am now. Or not. Likely only very few years younger. I was going "back to a school" in this season. There was a particular class I attended with familiar classmates and a familiar teacher. I'm honestly not even sure this was a traditional school since what we spent the brunt of our time consumed with wasn't very much along those lines. It was more like PAX East. XD

There was an NES game. A great NES game. A SKILL-BASED NES game. It was like the "Dark Souls" of the NES. And, as per either cirriculum, or some secret ritual allowed by only that specific teacher (because they were awesome), we played that NES game over a LAN in a party to see who was the best; the most ruthless... You get the idea.

There were tensions before the gaming went down. People socially popular but somewhat rusty, never facing a challenge in a tough game. Bullies. Homophobes. All manner of usurpatory young adults, much like the demographics found on Xbox and PS online games. Shit was talked, assumptions on people's sexual preferences were made, "fronting" was all over the place - your average brutal playground full of devilish young people where you can't do much but put up or shut up.

I was one 'unpopular-yet-popular-enough-to-pick-on' person in the class whom was often the subject of ridicule. It was your classic story of nerd vs jocks, the nerd being far more affluent in reading and deduction than most other students in his 'class of 'XX' (I've actually been through one such time in an English class, where I turned in hands down the best short story completed for the teacher at 10 pages front and back, which earned me an A+. <3). Insults, men trying to impress their female friends, the usual.

A brief moment during attendance passed me by. Before it had come I had, on a laptop, loaded up the NES game we were meant to play, brushing myself up on its simple but brutal gameplay. I took to speedily writing out things during attendance, just missing the calling of my name - something my cynical jock classmates were keen to so as to annoyingly stare me down in further defamation of my character and personality. The teacher was glad that I was so attentative to writing, in general, which I replied to with a snide reply as if to say that that was where I was most at home at (heh... ;) ), in a brief, all talk moment of supposed "badassery" during "the calm before the storm".

Soon we began the game, and within 2/5ths of a minute, I found my weapon-wielding character slaughtered by that of a classmate. There was respawning though. It was a game where a clash of battle-hardened medieval and eastern warriors all scrambled to collect as much power as they could through drops and level-up methods unto however more or less heated battles against human opponents, like both a deathmatch and a race to the finish, with somewhat easier-to-defeat enemy mobs strewn about in the midst of all the players ganking each other and backstabbing one another. There was a simple rock-paper-scissors psychology to the game. Attacking, dodging, animation priority. It was much like playing God of War: Ascension online, but without the lag issues. Far more like Dark Souls, yet an 8-bit NES game. x3

By design, bad players could be taken advantage of through a series of temporary discrepancies. It was often the subject of much angst and hilarity both. I managed to usurp many of the players in the game time and again, even 'destroying' the same bullies who talked so much shit beforehand, through exploits and what-have-you (much like an actual Duke Nukem 3D deathmatch of the past in real life. Infinite pistol range... xD).


The dream ended before there was any crowned "winner". The whole dream reeked of schoolyard squabbles galore, but it was awesome all around. <3

It gave me a sense of deja vu though, as though this was familiar ground. Honestly, I've been subject to much deja vu in the past few days. Odd.

The 'second' time I had this badass dream?


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