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Age Level 32 Acheived! by Aelius

Maturity level 18... still :p

And so I reach the age of 32 today. Even so, I've always held that you're only as old as you want to be, and truth be told I still feel too young to be owning a house and paying bills XD. Here, this is relevant:

In remembering last year's birthday journal, I'd like to think I've made decent progress in my goals. I've already got one short story published (Inhuman Acts, from FurPlanet. Go check it out!), and submitted a few others, though those wound up being rejected. A least it's more that I had last year! I've also got one novel ready to submit as soon as I find a publisher (Auran Legend), and am working on another. In fact, I actually plotted out a potential writing cycle with all the novel ideas I had, and not only did I have a working plan to start with, I also realized I need to get to work NOW. If I were to write two novels per year, beginning in 2016, it'll be 13 years before I run out of story ideas, and that's only if I don't come up with more ideas during that 13 year period (highly likely I will). So yeah... I need to get crackin'.

Age Level 32 Acheived!


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