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My Future Uses for Weasyl by JiggyDino

I'm think i'll stop uploading my art on Weasyl. I kinda wish I wasn't, but at this point, I don't see much reason to.

Ever since FA has had not only folders, but better folders than Weasyl, it's been hard to see Weasyl as the clear "winner" of the 2 sites. If FA ever updates to have the ability to block tags, that will pretty much make it impossible for me to see anything better about Weasyl.

And then there's the obvious Weasyl problem that it has had since day one and that's not enough activity/feedback. I feel like the only way to get that kind of stuff on Weasyl is to already have a following or by being super good at drawing. I don't have those right now, so most of my stuff gets ignored, even the rule 34! It gets pretty discouraging especially when it means that I have like 4 sites to upload things to. One of them has to go and Weasyl is the one that is severely lacking.

I will still be around the site, watching and favoriting and etc. but I'll stop uploading things for now and maybe come back some other time... Like once i have 1000 watchers on FA or something, i don't know. I'll miss being able to use html instead of BBCode and having a dynamic preview of all that I'm typing though...

My profile has links to other sites I use.

My Future Uses for Weasyl


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