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We have just posted the first of many comic pages which will explore the daily routines of the two central characters of The Vampire Hunters Guild. Expect to see more like this showing both the past and the future of these two characters and giving you an idea of their daily lives. Each individual page will be part of the development process as we lead up to starting the first main plot arc for our story. However, that doesn't mean that these pages aren't important, they're as much part of the story and will still be getting produced alongside the main plot arc.

Patreon The full page is available on our Patreon: Which you can access for $1USD per month.

Not only will you get early access to all comic pages, which will then be released to the general public after a month, but you'll also get to see all the concept and development process that we're working through as we prepare to write the first part of this story.

There are currently 16 images (including all stages of development of this comic page) and I will be completing another image tonight. Mostly there will be individual pieces exploring all sorts of concept including but not limited to armour, weapons, technology, clothing, guild personal, the local populous, character design, 3-4 panel strips and single page comics (such as this submission) as well as idea sketches and comics which have been rejected.

We are creating a timeline for development and will be considering creating/recruiting secondary characters to feature in the comic once we begin the first arc in a couple of months. I will be uploading at least one comic in full per month and bonuses such as pin ups and the like depending on how we formulate our monthly goals. It's a learning curve for us but, for now, I'm just working towards a single income goal in order to buy some much need new hardware in order to start work on the comic for the main story.

One of the pledge levels we are considering is to allow Patrons to suggest themes/specific concepts for images and ask questions as well as have their own characters feature in the background of the comic or as sub-plot characters. We may even dedicate a single page comic to introduce them into the 'verse. More tiers/bonuses will be available in future as we work out further details.

Thank you for your support! <3



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    Good luck!

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      Thanks! <3

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        You're welcome! :)