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Swinging Into Fall Events (and SoCalFurs Fall FurBQ) by socalfurs

The summer has been filled with great outdoor events and we have seen a few different kinds of "furry nightlife" forming here in SoCal. However, we are just beginning to see the signs that summer is coming to an end -- a bit of cooler weather and even some color change in our mountains.

Whether going back to school or getting ready for all the fall happenings, many of us must "get back" to something. However, things will start cooling down here in SoCal (well, by our standards) and its time to get ready for Fall.

Summer is not over just yet, so there are plenty of events to check out.

Los Angeles/Orange County:

  • September 6th, 13th, 20st, and 27th:  Silver Fox Bar Meet - Join DeSoto out in Long Beach.  This event happens every Sunday, and is a great way to wind down after your work weekend.  (21+ only, please)

  • September 11th: Furry Day at Disneyland For furry fans of Disney, lets meet up and enjoy a day at the park.  Use your annual pass or purchase tickets here.
San Diego:Inland Empire

  • September 9th: Hc Svnt Dracones Game Night - Verrin is starting a game night for those of you that may enjoy this tabletop game.  You play as a human creation that outlived its creator, trying to heed the lessons of a race that fell to ruin. (Lake Elsinore)

  • September 12th: IEFA Downtown Monthly Furmeet - This is the core of the Inland Empire Events, hosted by Anpu42 and Nychus.  Explore downtown Riverside and check out the local shops. Fursuits encouraged!

Submit Your Event Halloween 2015

With holiday decorations back in stores, its the time that some begin planning out costumes/fursuits for Halloween.  We are keeping our ears perked for great ways to take your fursuit out for the Halloween fun.  September is the perfect time to start getting the word out about such events, so please check out our (new) Event Submission Form and let us know what you're planning!

Update on Fall FurBQ

Yup, its happening matter what.  If you remember, Leotigers moved out of state last year, just before the fall season of 2014. With it being a bit too last minute, the Fall FurBQ was cancelled for 2014, but we here at SoCalfurs  looked forward to working with the 2 people that were taking over for Leotigers so that we could plan for this event. Unfortunately, when checking in with them, it looks like they are bowing out this year, so the Fall FurBQ is back onto the original FurBQ staff -- Stego and Kat.

As always, we are leaving the weekend up to you.  We have set up a helpful poll for this on our website.  Note the dates that have an event next to it within paranthesis. This notes that that specific choice of weekend conflicts with another event happening in California or the nearby states.  This poll closes 9/23/2015 at midnight.

Swinging Into Fall Events (and SoCalFurs Fall FurBQ)
