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Back from EF by nightdragon0

Have to say, it was a very interesting experience. Was also a first that I was the only Singaporean fur going, though there were a number of friends from other places that I would be meeting up with.

First thing I figured out: public transport is pretty good there. But next time, with all my fursuit bags, I think I'll just pay for the taxi. They're a pain to drag onto public transport! XD

Another thing is that if I stay longer than the convention, I should probably do my sightseeing after, and not too much before the convention. I certainly enjoyed going out to see Berlin, but I think it was too much walking and it left my bad ankle sore for the days after during the convention.
I was using an alternate (and new) set of feetpaws, which are snugger fitting. They're also not broken into yet (Like breaking in a new pair of shoes), so those all probably contributed to my feet aching more than usual.
That and the nightly dances. I kind of gauge how long I last at them, and I don't think I did as good as my previous conventions. The aching ankle was definitely a contributing factor.

Yeah, I tried the German beer method. I had 1 bottle of a 2.5% alcohol one during dinner. I ended up going back to the room & passing out for about 2 hours. Steak dinner included food coma probably contributed.
Damn, I envy you guys who get an energy boost from alcohol. It has the reverse effect on me & puts me to sleep. Then again, I'm freaking Asian! At least I know that I can drink myself to sleep when there are too many crying babies on my plane.

Oh, but such pretty lights during the dances! No offense to the other DJs, but the 80s dance on the first night was my personal favorite. It was just a combination of nostalgia (that era was my childhood) plus the pacing of the dance was generally slower & nicer for fursuiters.
Though I think they need to rename it to the "80s & 90s dance", because I'm absolutely certain some of the music was from the 90s.

I think I attended more panels too, from the dance ones & the transformation discussion panel. It was pretty fun bringing some South East Asian snacks for the International snack exchange too. You know, seeing people's reaction to durian cookies.
There was lots of other things too, from that dragons dinner we had, various fursuit lounge chats, meeting up with some old friend or some furs that had I'd previously met during their visits to Singapore.

EF's dance comp was really an experience! First time I've performed on such a huge stage.
I can definitely see lots that I want to improve on, but I'm still pretty happy with this one.

Video links:

And I went around with my video cameras again. I've done my usual convention video:

Some other the video clips are up on my Youtube & Vine accounts:
And my photos up on:

At this point, I've been to conventions across 3 continents and have gone fursuiting in a few additional places. I definitely feel very fortunate to have had all these opportunities!

I'm trying to see if I can make it to MWFF again, but it depends on a number of external factors on my side. Perhaps an early 2016 convention instead.
Until then!

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    It was very nice met you at EF, you are a nice, stompy dragon! ^^ hugs