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So, Who Is Tribal Inanna? by ACDragon

Tribal Inanna is the first lifetime that I have memories from. By "first" I mean in chronological time, not in the order of appearance. She lived so long ago that I can't even begin to imagine the amount of years, millenia, eons, whatever, have passed since she was alive.

I don't know that much about her, really. I don't know her lineage at all. What little I do know seems to center around the kind of society she lived in, how she died, and what species she was.

Society: She lived in a small tribe, sort of like a family but some of her tribe weren't directly related to her. They were a relatively free society, with no written laws to speak of. Her people cherished both life and individuality, and they formed a coherent society based upon the concept of mutual cooperation while still retaining their individual sovereignty over their own lives.

Death: A group of humans approached her tribe and demanded that they become their slaves. Her people refused, and the humans' response was to wipe them all out of existence. Tribal Inanna was pregnant with a son at the time, and was hiding from a nearby group of human warriors when she went into labor. At one point, she let out an uncontrolled yelp, and they zeroed in on her, and killed her and her unborn child. She was the last member of her species alive, and thus with her death, her entire species was driven to total extinction.

Species: Very similar to the Reptilian Elohim I often draw pictures of. Tribal Inanna and the Eloah Inanna look strikingly similar. In fact, the only differences between the two that I can find as yet are that the Eloah Inanna has no pubic hair whereas the Tribal one does, and Tribal Inanna was petite with very small breasts while the Eloah Inanna was more of a medium build with slightly larger breasts. Otherwise, the two dragons look pretty much identical to one another.

Originally when I drew Tribal Inanna I neglected to add her pubic hair just out of forgetfulness. Otherwise I was faithful to my memories of her. A couple of images I've done of her show her as a gray dragoness with golden horns and blonde hair, because I had hoped to avoid confusion between the two by viewers. But I felt my soul telling me 'no' to that design, so I went back to the original type I had drawn.

So, Who Is Tribal Inanna?


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