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Featured Friday - Konami Survey For Future Revivals by sanctumpolis

Hello Everyone,

Today, we wanted to take special notice of a big gaming company, Konami. They have created some of the games that we have fallen in love with over the years, like Suikoden and Castlevania.

Recently there has been some huge changes going on with them; however, they have asked us, the gamers, for our input into how they should move forward. We know we always love to hear from you about what we could do better, so we wanted to ask you to share your thoughts on their franchise.

Follow the link below to share your thoughts in a quick survey. You may just even have a hand in helping to revive some of these classics.

From all of us on the Quadrangle Game Development Team

Featured Friday - Konami Survey For Future Revivals


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    i mentioned how i disliked the terribly overcliched new story take with "Lords of Shadows" series of Castlevania myself. the games don't feel anywhere nearly on part with the original games--bosses are not as challenging, combat feels like every other Devil May Cry clone (aka all hack/slash action games around anymore). the story to the new "revamped" trilogy there was just poor. i get the "wanting to make Dracula seem more connectable" take, but they just made the story REALLY bad compared to before.

    Suikoden going away from series to do prequels, then doing alternate universes was hit and miss really.
    Tierkreis was fun, but the voicing made it so annoying to have sound on at times. Woven Web of a Century played almost uncanny to 5 and was very fluid and awesome, but the whole "rewind each time gap" thing made it too easy to actually miss any characters--nulling any challenge for the 108 stars ending options.

    I loved how 5 madeup for the terrible gameplay of 3 and 4, but 5 felt like a poorer attempt of 2's amazing story. 4 was terrible as a whole. 3 had amazing story but the annoying gameplay just makes so many fans hate it and not finish for the awesome piece it is for the franchise too. :I

    i still hope they might bring us the Suikogaiden titles--likely never to happen, even if Visual Novel genre is growing vastly!