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Long time without a big journal update so here goes! by arphalia

Okay, wow, so its been a while. Just as I got used to the day job, we went into our busy time of year and I picked up extra hours. Its a physically demanding job (its like being paid to go to the gym for serious) and sometimes checking into online galleries is the last thing on my life of daily to-do's. We're still pretty busy and I'm still on the extra hours but things should start chilling out soon.

To keep more immediately up to date with my art, my twitters see the action the fastest..
Non-furry, mostly aquatic currently-
And of course for furry stuff -

I also have a Society6 account for art prints and products for non-furry theme of art -

I may eventually get around to making a separate one for furry work but I'm not sure yet when that will happen. In the meantime, you can find a couple of furry related items over on my RedBubble -

Let's see. Oh! Tropical Storm Erika may pay me a visit in a few days. I'm ready for some wind, rain and the possibility to get an extra day off. Don't want anything damaging, so hoping for that sweet spot of just-bad-enough-to-get-a-free-day. :D

Anyways, still truckin' along! Cats are fine. I'm fine. Just stupid busy and perhaps feeling a bit detached as a result. Hope you all are well!

  • Arphie <3

Long time without a big journal update so here goes!


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  • Link

    Glad to hear you're doing fine. :3c Take care!~

  • Link

    Good to hear. Was beginning to worry.

  • Link

    Balancing a job and several online communities is never easy. Thanks for checking in on Weasyl and dropping some links!