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About gender (and a trans survey) by LarkspurDragon

I just took part in the U.S. Trans Survey (which I suggest anybody else who's trans or gender-nonconforming do: and at the end they asked if I would be willing to share my story. Since it felt like a pretty good story, I thought I'd put it here, too, on the off chance it would help someone else struggling with their gender identity.

When I was a little kid I thought there were only two options for gender. As I got older, my parents had some friends who were trans, and I thought, "fine, they're supposed to be the other gender." I don't think I ever really identified with one gender or the other, though. I was assigned female at birth so that's the group I was put in at school, but my parents did a pretty good job (as best as they could) to allow me to be myself and not force femininity on me. They let me wear bright colors and blues (my favorite color) and never made me wear pink or dresses if I didn't want to.

As I grew up, especially in middle and high school, I hung out with girls because I related to them on an intellectual level rather than gender. They were just more mature. I started wearing a suit to school formals in high school and that felt better than a dress to me, though dresses were still fun. I've never been into makeup so I experimented a little but didn't get into it.

In college I attended a conference for LGBT students (MBLGTACC) and discovered a term for people who didn't fit into the gender binary. At the time I was in a long-distance relationship with a trans guy, so I started to play around with the concept. At some point my mom found out (I don't remember whether I told her or not), and she's been trying to educate herself on the subject, which I really appreciate. She doesn't use my preferred pronouns, though, even though I've corrected her a few times. I don't know if my dad knows or not. My birth name is female but since I was little it's been shortened to a fairly gender-neutral nickname most of the time--verbally it could be male or female, and if written you just need to add an E to the end to make it a man's name. This has helped me considerably with my self image.

About gender (and a trans survey)


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    I hope you continue to have positive experiences...or at least more positive ones than negative ones. :)

    The manager of my comic shop is transgender (M to F)...I admit, being old, it took me a little while to get the hang of it. And I still sometimes say "he" rather than "she", but I really try REALLY hard to do it right...because I know it's important. If I slip up, I never mean it in a negative or hurtful way and I think she understands that. Having worked at a Library for many years...I have seen a lot of different people (I've worked with a few homosexuals and bi-sexuals, one of my very best friends is bi), so I am pretty accepting of all things. I hope more people will become like that and people with other choices and preferences don't have to suffer prejudice and hurt.

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    I've found that, being genderfluid the way I am, I don't really fit in anywhere. I'm very sexual, and people seem to get angry that I'm just viewing it as a 'fetish'. :/ I really seem to run into a wall of TERFs and Identity Politics Police whenever I "step out the door" and into the world of talking with other Trans* people. "Shut up, you're a white male, so you don't understand problems because you don't have any. You don't get to talk, for the sake of presenting all sides, we will let one White-Cis-Straight-Woman, One Black-Cis-Straight-woman, and one Hispanic-Cis-Lesbian-Woman talk only. The people we have selected are already vetted to speak as they are women. Any complaints will have you pulled out of here because this is a safe space!"

    Whatever though, I want to shift and change and present myself how I feel, and I want it to be pleasurable and wonderful to do so. Fuck the TERFs and all the 'organization' they try to push on us. :/