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So....Weasyl. by Whatupwidat

Still don't really know what I want to do with this site yet....I'm toying with using this as my main "furry" HQ for art and leaving my FA page as just a "here's where I dump shit" page considering I get more feedback on DA than I ever have on FA.

That and FA is badly written....seriously.

I don't know whether to upload my comic here, if it's worth the effort considering people can already view it on three websites and no one

Hell, at least my "I'ma leavin FA for Weasyl" post has a reason beyond "cuz the cool kids are doing it"....not that I am... leaving FA that is.

Whatever. WEASYL! YEAH! wooo....



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    ha ha I find that I only post stuff that I like here... The other shite goes to FA, and E V E R Y T H I N G goes to tumblr because that's what it's for.

    But I still think the whole 'art community' thing just isn't for me so :|

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      I like the whole idea of an art community, I've just never found one I want to be part of. DA's up it's own arse to anyone that isn't conceptual and FA is like 1 million voices shouting "like me!" at the top of their voices.

      I'm going to check the forums out here soon, but I honestly don't expect much :(

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        The idea is nice!! But yeah, I just haven't found one that I really fit into well... Heck I think the same could go for any internet community ha ha ha~

        I kinda feel like this place might become FA-backup for people, HEH

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    If Inkbunny isn't a backup for FA, this will be. I like the site design rather well.