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Updates: Coms, Contests, and Pokemon by Uluri

It seems they won't be Open until the fall Season kicks in since it seems I have just given myself one of the worst arm cramps of my life. I was swimming and all of a sudden my arm felt like it exploded and now its hard to move. So... it needs time to heal.

However, during that time, I will be working leasurly on This YCH. As well as Asks from my Eevee Kingdom tumblr Account.

Contests Ending in August
BIG OC CONTEST! [Cash prizes and lots O' art]
My Annual Friendship Contest is still going on and there are lots of big prizes to win! from cash to a butt ton of art! WOW! There are a lot of great entries already, and I'm excited to see what everyone else will create too! There is no Specific Theme to draw two, just have fun and WING IT!

Eevee's little Princess Contest
Down in the Eevee Kingdom it seems the King and Queen will be having a Little baby Eevee Soon! This Contest is to create a Young Princess Eevee for the Kingdom. This character will be used for the Kingdom as a Mascot. You can win a Bunch of Art.

Pokemon Topics
I can't wait for Mystery Dungeon to come out, I am so psyched. -Continues to freak out about pokemon related things- I just am so excited for a full PMD series to be released again (after the whole Gate to Infinity Crisis). And there are multiple towns to visit this time so I won't be trapped in a single stagnant Town this time! It also seems to have a very very different storyline to play on than the others.

Updates: Coms, Contests, and Pokemon


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