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Being Different Is Not Drama-Mongering by ACDragon

This isn't directed at anybody in particular.

I know this is really going to stun some of you folks out there, but when you attack me for not doing the popular thing or for my weird beliefs, it's because you are a goddamn coward. I am not causing drama by being different than you.

And when I defend myself against your bullshit, and you accuse me of causing drama, it is you who is causing the drama. You, who think that the majority opinion is always right, or that good and evil are determined by who has the most power, and who feel the incessant need to squash anyone in your vicinity who dares to be differen than you... you are the drama-monger. By seeking out people to squash you prove that you are actively trying to start drama. Your victim is not the reason you started the drama; you started the drama because you wanted to start drama. You and you alone are the sole reason that you started the drama. Your victims are not to blame, no matter what popular opinion may be.

It takes courage to stand up against the crowd, to be yourself instead of being what "everybody" else demands. Being yourself will cost you a lot, but I find it to be far more rewarding than obeying the masses and being what they want me to be. A lot of people on the Internet love to issue orders, especially in online gaming. I game online to have fun, not to have some narcissistic teenager demanding that I change how I play to suit them. More often than not, I end up getting votekicked from servers because I won't conform. Often, the kicks happen before the game even starts, because the "Meta," which is the Holy Bible of the fundamentalist Meta-Gamers, demands it. The majority of players go by the words of the Meta, and so I get blamed for every loss, despite the mountains of evidence that we lost because the team was too busy whining about me playing a class or loadout that the Almighty Meta does not approve of.

But I refuse to change because some angry teenager demands it. Oh, sure, they have power to kick me if they want, but the reality is that I hold the real power over them. By merely being me, I enrage them and cause them to see things they don't want to see. I show them to be the intolerant, narcissistic, violent bullies that they are. Their friends will laugh at me, I guarantee it. They might even show up to laugh at me on this journal, but they only do it because ganging up on one person who calls them out on their bullshit is the only way that they can feel superior.

We all have pride, and it is neither good nor bad in itself. Pride can be good or bad, though, based upon the foundation it's built upon. Their pride is built upon popularity, conforming to social norms, and the subjugation of anyone who dares to disobey them. In other words, their pride is built entirely upon the opinions of others. Outside their clique, they are nothing. Without their buddies to cheer them on, they are cowards of the highest order. They must serve their little clique because their little clique controls their every move. They are not powerful as individuals, because everything they are is defined for them by others. Their pride is bad because it is founded upon the opinions of other people. Good pride is based upon who you are, but they have no knowledge of who they are. Therefore they are weak and dependent upon everyone else to make them look good.

But I don't need to look good to other people to know that I'm right. My life has been hell because I refused to conform, and I still refuse to conform to this day. If you feel the need to kick me because I play something that you don't approve of, then it's not because I'm causing drama by existing in a way you don't like. It's because you are a narcissistic coward who obsesses over what everyone else will think of you if you don't. You are a weakling, and because you are a weakling, you must cause drama in order to make people think you are strong.

But you are nothing. If you really were strong, you would worry less about what other people think and think for yourself instead. Therefore, I am better than you, no matter how much power you have over me. I will always be better than you, because unlike you I don't need to cause drama and worry about the crowd the way you do. I am not hung up on what the world thinks of me.

Being Different Is Not Drama-Mongering


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