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I didn't mention it but because of my new job I only draw on the weekends now. However, this weekend has been pretty busy and will remain to be busy because we are switching around rooms. Basically Kuder and I are moving into two rooms that are conjoined. One room is for our computers (and probably a treadmill and bookcases) and the other is for our game systems, bed, and dressers. It's coming along quite nice but we still have to work on populating his sister's bedroom with her stuff, and then we have to pack away and store the leftover stuff.

Yesterday I had to disassemble and move one desk, 3 bed frames, and that really put a lot of pressure on my wrist to use a screwdriver and hold things all day. Turns out that having to grasp your hand can hurt. It's not feeling as bad, but this morning I started off with just pain all down my wrist and finger/knuckle joints. The pain's died down but it will probably happen again next morning after I do some more work.

But yeah, yesterday we started at like 10 am and ended at 11 pm doing some stuff. I hope we get this done soon since it'll be harder for me to assist throughout the week since I work from 8-4. Next weekend I am not sure if I will do more than doodle since I will want some downtime after basically working all weekend and then working a 40 hour work week.

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    Sorry for taking so long to reply to this but I hope things are chilling out in your life now D: so busy!

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      Sort of, we got all the furniture in and arranged now. I still want some more curtains though and they are not easy to install O:

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        yeah those are a pain in the bum. Luckily my current apartment came with those window blinds since my windows are smaller ones (its a basement apartment).