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Then Again... by Threetails

I don't want to sit out RF, and maybe I don't have to either.

As for point one in my previous post, it may be a while before my medical bills post, and although I don't make much off my books I did well last year. I may make back at least a small portion of the cost of the trip. Also, I don't have to spend as much to get there as I did last year; I took Amtrak because at the time I hadn't known about Bolt Bus. It was a very pleasant travel experience, but there are cheaper ways to get to Seattle and I could get Kobi and I both there for the cost of

As for point two, I haven't actually asked around about rooms yet. I'll see what I can do though; I figure it's worth a shot.

Third, why should I worry about one unpleasant person? I'll have good friends there at the con and I'd love to see them again. I've never been to a con with so many other writers, except maybe FC first of all, and second it was awesome seeing Pepper Coyote, Fox Amoore, and Alexander James Adams together on the same stage. The con location is easy to get to and not exhaustingly huge like FC, and the con was a bit slower paced which meant Kyell and I actually had time for conversation despite doing well with our books in the dealer's den. I really felt, for the first time, like I was more than an outsider to a niche fandom, but rather an active part of a flourishing creative subculture. It was like being in on the ground floor of the science fiction fandom during its golden age. The amount of talent I found myself not just surrounded by, but actively participating with as a lyricist, novelist, and friend to some wonderfully talented people left me with a warm feeling of being part of something awesome.

Dammit, I'll do everything I can to get there. I love you guys! We all grew into what we are now together, as friends, and when we all get together it's clear that the furry fandom, for all its problems and personal drama, is still something special and unique that brought us all together and helped us to grow as artists.

Then Again...


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