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Thinking of Sitting Out RF by Threetails

RF is coming soon, and I'd had high hopes for this con. I was going to bring Kobi with me and do book signings and panels.

However, the con is looking doubtful at this stage.

First, with my recent hospital visit I have some serious bills to pay soon.

Second, the people I roomed with last year are probably not coming.

Third, I'm honestly soured on going to Seattle after a certain fur who lives there flipped his shit at me last month after I had made plans to go up to his place, then couldn't because the Bus turned out to be $52 and not $1 like I'm pretty sure he told me it would be. The guy's got serious anger problems (and loves calling women "bitch" a lot for being a self-professed feminist), and I really don't feel comfortable being around someone who is that emotionally unstable.

On the off chance I do come, said person has to know that if he is not welcome anywhere near me or Kobi because I don't feel safe around people with these kinds of anger issues. Consider that a friendly warning.

Thinking of Sitting Out RF


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    If you do decide to come, I would love to actually meet you and get the books I have of yours signed :)