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Tell me about you week. (PLEASE READ) by ClockworkWolf

Just talk, keep it chill and drama free. Going through some stuff right now and really just need to get out of my own head for a while.

Tell me about you week. (PLEASE READ)


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    Weeellll... Nothing special here! Slept in a funny position last weekend and managed to strain/pull something in my shoulder, so have been gimp all week -.- Did some gardening, worked on leather commissions, cooked (lots of barbecue since the weather is cooperating), and about to leave for the weekly open-air market in town :) Oh, tomorrow is "take the hubby's car to the shop" day. That means riding back with the mom-in-law and fending off the car sickies. Yay.

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      Ouch...I always hate it when that happens. My own legs and back suck so I can sympathize. Is it an actual garden or flowers that you tend to? I always like your leather-work; there's something about physical art that's really nice. A good barbecue is always good during the summer. There is a point where it gets too hot to do anything and unfortunately that's what we have right now :P How are the French markets? I'm over in Canada so just have our meh ones and the stereotypical idea to go off of. Whenever I hear about can troubles it makes my happy that I stick to public transit. Is it just for a tune up or something worse?

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        I have vegetable garden that's split into two places, and also try to take care of our massively overgrown and badly maintained yard. We share the yard with my in-laws, and they aren't much for maintenance. Mom-in-law once decided that the rose bushes were overgrown, so rather than trim them properly, she just hacked them all off 2 feet from the ground. Now they're short, wild bushes that I'm trying to get under control.
        I like physical art too. I grew up learning lots of different crafty type stuff from my grandmother, so it takes me back to those good times. Yeah barbecue is summer for me! Grew up in central California where we could pull out the barbecue almost year-round.
        For the moment our heat wave has passed, but I'm betting we'll get another one at the end of August. The market here is small - very small town. I mostly go because that gives me a day to run all my 'in town' errands and the fruits and veggies are better quality than the local supermarket. I can also get fresh eggs and certain types of fresh cheese, which is a nice treat. One of the larger cities nearby actually has their market split up into different parts of down depending on what folks are selling. Kinda cool, but kinda troublesome when you need to actually get to something and all the roads are closed...
        I don't mind public transit personally, but its impractical for us since we're outside of town. There's one bus stop (if that tells you how small town is), and it would take about 2 hours to walk to it from our house. Ouch.
        Hubby's car problem is actually a combination of things: Follow up on previous maintenance before we go on a long trip and a couple little annoyances that need to be tended to. We were stuck in traffic outside the local airport for 3.5 hours thanks to a taxi strike blocking the road, and somehow one of the brake light bulbs burnt out. Not a big worry since we have more than enough still active to avoid a ticket. There's also a problem with the side mirrors - the adjustment motor stopped working. Just minor stuff, but since they'll have the car to check the previous repairs, they can work on those too :)

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          I've never been much for gardening (even though we have about a dozen flower beds) so I'd be the one chopping it down like that. We used to have a garden and it is nice to have some home grown veggies with a meal.
          Shopping like that sounds great for getting out. The split up layout does sound really odd and I can see the need for a car in areas like that. I live near a transit center and don't get out much so my costs are cheap.
          It's good to hear that the troubles aren't major. Some weird stuff fails together because everything is on the same circuit so it could have gone really bad.

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    This week has been like every week.

    I get up at the same time. Go to the office at the same time, do the same things all day. Go to lunch at the same time, eat the same thing every day. Go for a walk along the same path, for the same amount of time. Do more of the same work. Go home at the same time to eat dinner at the same time. Then, I work on my hobbies until I go to bed at the same time.

    I have even settled into a weekly production cycle in my hobbies. Each day of the week has it's general tasks/goals, with review period on Wed/Thursday. The weekends are the same; same chores, same hobby-work. Time passes in a haze until, at its designated time during the day, I sit in my little cubicle and reflect on the same question: "Why have I arranged everything just so?"

    I can't really complain, I like the job and the people I work with and they seem to like me. I am quite capable at my work, the pay is good, and the individual challenges have a modest bit of variety to them, even if they all fit in the same general themes and category. Doesn't make for very good conversation, though :P

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      There is something very relaxing about a schedule though and contentment can be found in the littlest of things. It sounds like you have a nice, zen existence. I know that I'll be trying to achieve the same thing when my classes resume.

      I've found myself asking that same 'why' question on an increasingly regular basis. Just out of curiosity, do you ever find your answer?

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        No answers yet. I suspect the ultimate reason is less pleasant than I'd like to believe. I am uncertain whether these behaviors are for better or worse. Tendency towards routine helped me improve my health when I established a time dedicated to walking, but I everything has a cost. Routines cost opportunity; in streamlining activities one is exposed only to the familiar which can lead to isolation. Contentment can breed complacency.

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          Interesting, I was hoping to compare notes. I've personally settled on 'because those are the choices I have made' as my default, followed shortly after by 'where to go from here?'. It's very mundane but helps keep me moving forward rather than looking back.

          I do agree with the lost opportunities and isolation; I have been experiencing the latter more and more and have been trying to break out of those harmful routines. The fact that you identified these flaws might mean that you're rather close to your answer. That answer could also be irrelevant because you already know the consequences of it and can begin to act on them.