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Anthrocon 2015 - Thoughts and Reflections by Masakuni

Hello everyone. Sorry for being late, I’ve just been sluggish since coming back to the con. Without further ado, here is my report for this year’s Anthrocon.

Well, needless to say, out of all the times I’ve been to Anthrocon, this was the most unexpected trip out of the five trips I’ve made to Anthrocon.

A little background: Up until two weeks before I drove up, I had no plans to make this con. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Null. Insert synonym for none here. Even up until two weeks prior to AC I was in the middle of trying to save up just enough money for a day or two in Atlanta so I can get out of the house, either while it was going on or a week or two after. My Dad had been asking me what time I would’ve left for AC, but I didn’t think anything would come of it.

Now we get to a night after I got home from another visit with my Mom. Turns out Dad had some extra money around, and he thought he could give it to me. All I could say is, wow. So Anthrocon 2015 was a go after all.

I still kinda wish he used the money for something else, but that’s really nice of him, I appreciate it.

Anyway, the con.

Getting there was very difficult this time around. I started running into weather in Virginia, which turned into a full-on deluge that rained down faster than my windshield wipers could keep up by the time I got on interstate 79 in West Virginia. This and trying to navigate traffic set me behind, and I didn’t get there until 11:30, an hour later than I was shooting for.

Eventually I got there. Tired, ready to go to bed (something I wouldn’t be able to do that night, oddly enough), and get ready for Thursday.

I think I regret not being able to get some sleep for Wednesday night, and it showed for most of the day. It was hard to stay up, and I needed to take a break after getting through the first part of the registration line. I needed sleep, but it was hard to get it until Thursday night.

At least my body still knows when it’s time to get some sleep. And I did. And still managed to get up early enough to shower, get dressed, and still have time to spare for breakfast before the opening ceremonies.

From then on, it was nothing but hanging out with friends, saying hi, catching up, getting art, good times, good people, and fun moments all around.

This time though, I took it easy. I frequented the dealer’s room and the dances a lot, and didn’t do too much outside of those. Or going where good friends were going.

There are some panels that I wish I did, and some places in town I wish I could’ve explored during the con’s downtime, but I had fun with what I did do. I still went to the Masquerade, did a lot of dancing, enjoy a friend’s “birthday” dinner, got a few badges, enjoyed a fursuit parade (and it went outside, too! Maybe next year I should go outside and watch it), actually went in the dead dog dance for longer than a minute, and most importantly, see some good friends!

As for the rest of the year, I likely won’t have the money nor the time to visit any conventions, especially considering I have a fall semester that’ll eat up any chance of doing that. I was planning on skipping this con and going all in on Anthrocon ’16…well, I’m still going to go to AC ’16, but at least now I didn’t miss out on this year’s version of the con, and I can get a bonus set of memories instead of trying to see it through Youtube videos or something.

Once college starts back up, I’ll start saving for next year’s convention, and maybe I’ll throw in FWA as well if all goes well. It feels quite criminal that I have been to Anthrocon, a convention that is an entire day’s drive away, and only been to FWA, a convention that’s merely a 3 hour drive, twice. I’m planning on giving both cons some love next year, and I hope I can see some of you there!

But for now, I’ve enjoyed my time at Anthrocon, and hope that everyone who went there did. I hope to see some of you next year!

And now, back to real life!

Anthrocon 2015 - Thoughts and Reflections


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