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Back to Work by Lynceus Glaciermaw

I dropped off the face of the earth for the last month and a half on my usual annual temp layoff, but I'm back in the lab... for anyone who cares. Spent most of my "vacation" helping Luna with her personal project, and didn't really do anything of my own artwise.

I don't know, I feel like I've had less desire to draw lately. It's like there isn't much to inspire me to attempt to get better. I'm mostly just the tech guy who works on Luna's projects; don't get me wrong, I'm glad to help her. I don't feel like I'm really missing anything. I'm basically just a washed-up artist anyway. It was unlikely I was going to ever get really good anyway.

Am I giving up? Nah. I'm just considering myself on hiatus until I can be arsed to draw again. I don't know how long that'll take, really.

Back to Work

Lynceus Glaciermaw

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    duuude! just do you and pursue what you like. if art is just another stressor on ya i can understand. Long as you are happy!
    Also, youll only be as good as think you will be. Getting better means you have to want to get better. it takes work!

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      Indeed it does... I actually pulled out my pencils last night and realized I'm not quite as rusty as I'd feared, though I'm still terrible with a tablet for some reason :P

      Thing is, I do want to be good at art. But sitting here in front of Gemini (my hand-built three-monitor dual-PC monster-of-a-work-terminal) in the diagnostic lab kinda overshadows that a bit :P I'm a computer tech, and sometimes that gets in the way of my art. I did bring my sketchbooks today, and I'm going to try to draw when I have time...

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        you just gotta make your own time and enjoy what you do. but i understand that also! you can do it!