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Input Wanted on Stream Commissions by Malachyte

Tigerdile Stream | Picarto Stream
I usually use Tigerdile, but sometimes I draw cub art, so that goes on the Picarto.

I'm able to start streaming weekly again! I did a short one last night, but as always, I find myself conflicted on how to actually fill up my stream queue in the most fair way possible. I thought I should just collect some opinions on the matter.

Which method(s) do you prefer? If you can, explain why. Suggest any other options that you don't see listed.
•Artist opens for slots prior to the stream
•Artist opens for slots at the beginning of the stream itself
•Artist continues to take slots throughout the stream as they open up
•Slots are first-come, first-served
•Slots are randomized, using a list of interested users
•Slots are picked based on artist's interest in the proposed idea

I feel like offering them based on who happens to find the journal or stream first is sort of unfair, so I lean towards randomizing a list of people who say they're interested. If I do that, it means I definitely have to fill up slots prior to the stream, rather than during. Then, if I get through the list, I can ask people in stream for more. It also means payments are all taken care of before the stream, so there is less downtime during the show of me checking Paypal. Does this seem like an okay way to do it? Any flaws I'm not seeing that might make this a deal-breaker?

In any case, I'll be streaming two days a week. Saturday will be a more casual stream, where I'm more chatty and social while I work on Patreon-funded studying and comic projects. Sunday will be commission sketches which will change a bit each week depending on the theme and such. I updated the little News blurb on my website to reflect this stuff as well, so if you ever can't remember what's up with it, check it out -

Thanks in advance for the input, and for coming to my streams and having a great time with me :3

Input Wanted on Stream Commissions


Journal Information



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    Though I haven't been to many streams lately (ever? Ugh I'm such a terrible fan/friend D:) I feel somewhat the same as you do as far as the "First come first serve" methods are concerned. Some people just have awkward scheduling and having the slots available in a journal is a good way to combat that. Let people see the deets before the stream happens.

    While -in- the stream doing things based on your interest level might be the best idea. I feel like if you're interested in what you're doing, it might make everything all the sweeter as far as quality goes. Or imagination. Like if I throw out an idea for something that's been done a thousand times before, and you're really just not feeling the creativity in the idea, and someone else gives up an idea that's filled with awesome fun... It'd be more fun to create the second thing, for sure! I think you're the kind of person to put their entire effort into anything they commit to doing (like -everyone's- commissions, not just the ones you think are best) but I do firmly believe that if an artist is having fun with the work they're asked to do, then it just... helps the process.

    But I don't know. Maybe I'm just rambling at this point.

    Non-rambling suggestion: Let's say you take... five slots for a stream. Maybe use two of them as the "Oh my god I love this idea" slots, and the other three as "first come first serve". Giving room for both options, and preventing us from missing out on some awesome "Mal loves this idea and ran with it!" art. :3


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      Aw, don't feel bad about not making it to streams! I've been doing them so randomly for... forever, it's hard to even know when to catch one. That's part of why I want these to be on a schedule so bad, so people will at least know the two days they can absolutely expect a stream.

      I agree with your feelings on choosing ideas I personally jive with. There are times when I get asked to draw something I've drawn before at least twice, and while I'm still willing to draw it and try to take it in a new direction within the limits of the request, it is definitely fun to get a fresh idea. That said, I don't think that there is a graceful way to tell a customer "Your idea is a bit stale, I'd rather take this one." So for that reason, it doesn't seem like a good course of action. It's one thing to do it outside of a stream in a comments section, but during a stream when they're proposing their idea in front of a crowd and then turned down in real time, it could be hurtful depending on the person.

      Thank you for the input, and I hope you get to catch some streams now and then!

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    I know there's actually some very vocal opinions on this issue, but the way I see it, the most fair way is this:

    • Artist announces stream commissions the day / days before
    • People sign up as interested
    • Those that show up to the stream are selected at random
    • Any overflow gets shuffled into the next stream at random, again assuming that they show up for the stream
    • Allot at least one on-demand "during-the-stream" slot for those interested during stream time, selected by artist's interest
    • If there are free slots during the stream, add extra on-demand slots
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      I agree with some of this, but see some problems with others, given my style of streaming. I find a lot of times, the very last slot ends up being behind schedule, or even pushed to the next day. If I make it a requirement that a person is present during their slot (even just the start of it), then I might end up stringing along the last slot/customer for way later than they intended to be around.

      I do like the idea of taking some slots beforehand, and then some during. It might be what I try out for my next stream, to see how it goes for me. Thanks for the input~