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Birthday Blues... by Karla-Chan

So it's my Birthday on Thursday but my RL friends can really suck sometimes... Like I'm a regular table top RPG gamer, and my ground at the moment is Tuesday nights... So I have kidnapped that group on the Tuesday using the excuse. I know full well that you're all free!

The current group I am in is small but really friendly. I love it. They are coming in the evening no problem. However some of my other RL friends that do actually live close by are bringing up all kinds of excuses. Like at first I have this important thing, but then I have told them since I know people are free at different times I have basically 3 events planned. Nope still excuses...

It happens every year and well I will be honest it does make me feel a little unloved. Like honestly I have had so many Birthdays go wrong... More than right and I'm getting to an age I don't want to admit. Like I have some amazing friends who live pretty far away and well obviously can't make it for those reasons, which is cool. Since I have had the same issues.

So I feel a bit sad I have to kidnap my gaming group... On the day we game... To actually get anything.

Birthday Blues...


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    Awww hugs.

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      Thanks very much! (hug) I am just pretty disappointed.

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        I am sorry...

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          Thanks :)

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            Your welcome, happy birthday when it comes then.

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              It's today, and thanks so much! :)

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    So your birthday is on this Thursday? Is it the date of your birthday or when you chose to celebrate it?

    Allow me to manifest my compassion for you, by the way. There are times in your life when those you who called friends disappointed you, but fret not, Karla. Leave the disappointments of your so-called-friends behind and instead, cherish the invaluable friendships of those that do dare stay alongside you in every moment of your life.
    Regardless, I wish for the best, Karla. Know that I am always here and willing to offer conversation, aid, and good times.

    I can relate to you, by the way. I once had a birthday I was supposed to celebrated alongside some presumably close friends of mine who announced their arrival. I ended up on the day in question alone, with no one but my sister alongside me. At first, it was off-putting, and it left a rather rancid taste in my mouth. But I came to see the good in that situation. I chose my friends better from that day on, and today, I can safely say that I can expect no such disappointments from the entourage I have surrounded myself with.
    Not to mention there is always my little sister. We were, and are, always there for one another.
    This happened many years ago, and I am rather thankful it did; It offered a good lesson on some people.

    Anyway, your gaming group sounds delightful. It is very nice of them to accompany you through this experience. I would not feel sad that I kidnapped them, if I were you, instead, I would feel proud to know that I have such magnificent friends that I can count on.

    Anyway, here's hoping you will have an exquisite time, Karla!

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      Thursday is my actual Birthday. However my friends are normally free on Tuesdays. Some during the day and some at night. At night I normally game with my partner and his gaming group. I have kidnapped those no problem. However I feel since they have been my partners friend for such a very long time that they are more his friends then mine. I was very much hoping to also have some friends that are independent of him.

      Like my gaming group I lovely people, and I like them a lot. However they are my friends because I am dating my partner I feel, if that makes sense? I am still happy they are coming. However they can not make it until 7pm, because of work. I was planning something earlier with other friends.

      I am not sure what has happened, however all of them came up with their excuses. As you can imagine leaving me feeling a little down. I have some very good friends, but I feel they are far away. Two of my friends have contacted me to cheer me up even though they do not live that close. I fully get what you are saying, I am all for not having bad or toxic friends.

      However normally some of these friends are pretty good otherwise. So I am not sure how it has come to what it has.

      I am sorry to hear what happened to you, it is never easy to think someone is your friend and they are not. It is good you can now that, however it can still be upsetting.

      Thanks for your well wishing.