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Art Flood Over... for now. by MaxCoyote

So now that Weasyl has FINALLY fixed their shitty thumbnail system, I will be using it more regularly. It's SO much nicer to browse submissions now on Weasyl! No more looking threw lil 100x100 box images. I hated that crap.

So I am catching up on updating my Weasyl now. That includes quite alot of updating from my FA. I flooded a lil art and photos today, but I'm not even halfway there to being updated. If you don't wanna wait to see more, you'll have to check my FA for now. I don't wanna over do it with the flood spam. I'll do a few every day till finished.

I'm also gonna try to search artists I love on FA and find their Weasyl so my submission feed is accurate to my intrests. Anyway, thanks for all the faves for what I submitted so far! Glad you all like it. :)

Art Flood Over... for now.


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    Yay! Thumbnails fixed!

    Now all they have to do is fix the empty space caused by folder navigation being directly below the submission.
    and... portrait folder preview submissions on the userpage creating empty space for folder previews with landscape submissions.