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those thumbs! by tooiebird

I love it! I honestly really like being able to see the whole submission rather than a cropped portion of it. Like, i was kinda not wanting to click on any submissions because they all looked similar in the square thumbnails (cropped in on the face, don't know what else is going on..) This is so much better imo!


those thumbs!


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    At first I was like HMMMM cause someone put up like 4 pictures of a headshot surrounded by a blank canvas so it took up WAY too much space, but other than that. I've liked the change. Especially on someone's gallery. Although I wonder if it makes someone more likely to lurk that click on the full thing to get an accurate view countage?

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      I did see one userpage where it looked a little weird because I think everything they uploaded was like 100x100px sized images so there was a lot of blank space around the submissions but I could still see the bounding box the code uses?
      For me at least, I'll be more likely to click on something if I like it now. I really wasn't looking at a ton of submissions because none of the previews caught my attention, especially when someone floods the submissions and it's all a crop of the characters head. Are they cooking? riding a unicycle? who know what adult things they may be doing? or are they just standing there in every picture?? I don't know because it didn't interest me enough to click to find out! hahaha X3

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        Haha that's true! Hopefully this update will make peeps more likely to click and engage with each other. :3

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    This is super good, isn't it? The composition of each picture is visible at a glance, and the rows of resized thumbs look really sleek!

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      yes! at first they did seem a little large, but I like it a whole lot better

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    I guess you could say Weasyl is all thumbs right now... B3

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