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Hello Weasyl and Image Dump! by Caeldian

Hello Weasyl! I decided to jump on this wagon because I'm addicted to joining new sites and it's a change of pace. This place looks promising and it's certainly an interesting and different layout. I love how much you can personalize it. :]

So I hail from the lands of DA: and FA:

I plan on combining all of my furry and humanoid/fantasy art in this site, so yay for a semblance of variety? I hope to enjoy my time here and hopefully it'll last! I've changed my name from Onivale to Caeldian because Caeldian is a lot more general, and not the name of a specific character. I feel that I should start separating myself from that name and start representing myself a bit differently, thus the switch to my personal species' name.

As a warning, I'll be uploading a bunch of my old, recent-ish, artwork so... I'm sorry. xD I'm putting them up even if a lot of them have anatomy issues that irk me every time I see them. I'm putting them up for various reasons: character references, certain achievements, etc. But afterwards it should just be new stuff. So yay for new posts! I'm also really working on trying to improve artistically, so that means in the future a lot of reference poses will be used and... experimenting. Or at least that's the plan.

That's all I have to say really. Yep.


Go check out these galleries! Yes I'm advertising your galleries whatcha gon' do about it? Mwuahahaha!


tanzaniteblood || nukude || solestra {whenever he decides to upload stuff >>}

Hello Weasyl and Image Dump!


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