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I will be at Anthrocon 2015 by Crion Ringtail

Welp, its official I will be in Anthrocon's artist alley! I will have a wide selection of fine, Nerf fire arms available for purchase. So come on by and say hello, buy a gun, place a special order to be shipped to your house! Would you like some extra blood or rust on your cool, deadly piece of weaponry? JUST SAY THE WORD AND I WILL DUMP BUCKETS OF GORE ON IT FOR FREE! (Just... Not on the convention floor. I don't want to get thrown out and fined) Nothing says badass like a blood coated projectile weapon.

Can't find me in the dealers den? Then look for the Toy Solider with the huge duffel bag and banner strapped to his back that reads "Guns For Sale" ((Just don't buy from me unless its in the artist's ally. Once again don't want to get thrown out and fined))

Well, what if you CAN'T find that toy soldier? Didn't they disband after their leader Dr. Steel went into hiding? WELL THEN LOOK FOR THE BROWN BEZERKER CRUX WITH THE BLOOD SPLATTERED ARMOR!

Welp, if you can't find ether of those dorks you can always place and order online here.

I will be at Anthrocon 2015

Crion Ringtail

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