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The Last Few Days by Threetails

Saturday- Kobi and I went off with Dad. Upgraded my phone to an actual smart phone. Went to see the Evergreen Aviation Museum and got a private tour for the three of us in the Spruce Goose. Got to sit in the seat where Howard Hughes himself had sat. Yes, there are pics!

Sunday- Graduation day. Got to show Mom and Dad our favorite burrito place, then had a nice dinner and dessert. Dad left for home, I still haven't heard from him and I'm a bit worried. Turned on my laptop only to find it fried and unresponsive. It got me through college then began going haywire the very day I graduated. I had initially thought this to be the result of spilling water on it but the water only really hit the outside; the keyboard had given me trouble previously and various drivers (most notably the graphics drivers which had a tendency to crash at random intervals) had been unreliable for a while.

Today- Went out with Mom and my step father. Got Kobi's phone upgraded. Mom stunned me by buying me a really excellent new laptop AND a rather nice used sofa! The sofa will be here on the 27th but the laptop is already set up. Still keeping the old one but I need a more reliable machine.

The Last Few Days


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    Pics plz! And congrats on the graduation. (Read your FA journal too and I'm so glad things went OK.)