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Con plans (or lack thereof) and other plans by Masakuni

Hello everyone. It's been a while.

So first off, lemme get this out of the way, just in case you missed my last journal or don't follow me on Twitter. Anthrocon's not going to be a thing this year. Thing is I have no money; I've just about finished paying off the WiiU I got back at Christmas after all; and unless the unthinkable happens, such as a bag of money totalling $800 showing up at my doorstop for God knows what reason, there's just no way to make such a trip work. Yes I know it sucks not seeing friends and there's some people that I would have liked to see, but I'll manage. I don't think I'll even have enough for a trip down to Megaplex, so there goes that idea. Oh well.

I'll try to think of something to do the weekend of if not afterwards. Maybe I'll go out of town again. Maybe I could wander around Atlanta for a bit, at least try to get out of the house while everyone's having fun at Anthrocon. I'll figure it out as time goes on.

Unfortunately that doesn't leave a lot in the way of conventions or events with people anywhere near where I live. FWA's not until March or April, and I'm struggling to think of anything that's happening that's not at least an 8 hour drive. Oh well, I guess I could talk to some of you on Skype or messengers or something. And I am planning on saving up for next year's Anthrocon, as well as FWA a few months before that, so there's that.

And now to the next part of the journal.

Between trying to slog through the spring semester and staring at the screen the rest of the time, I haven't exactly been doing much of anything lately. Luckily it's summer, so I've got a few months to get things sorted out so I can feel refreshed going into the next semester. I got all this free time, so I might as well use it. Here's some things I wanna do before the summer's out:

-Clean my room, and my car
-Actually get some exercise - unfortunately with my bike having a flat tire and no money to fix it, I guess that'll mean I'll have to run around the block.
-Try to start up drawing again
-Watch more cartoons
-Play more games; well there's League, but I mean my WiiU games too.
-Figure out how to cook things
-Find some books I'd like to read and read them
-Talk to my good friends some more
-And uh, maybe some other things that slipped my mind while I was typing this.

I wanna do things this summer that'll keep me busy but not like schoolwork-grind-draining busy, but things I actually want to do. So here's hoping I can keep to it, we'll see how it goes!

If I can get around to it, I may post some journals later asking for help with some things, like book suggestions or cooking recipes or drawing tips.

So yeah, that's what's been going on here. Hopefully it won't be another couple months before I make another journal about things. Later!

Con plans (or lack thereof) and other plans


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