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Demon / home invasion nightmare by GuzzleMuzzle

There was a TV cartoon show that was a TV show about an amorphous shape and color shifting demon that killed and devoured anything, but not before torturing them. It was like an old manga from the 80s - the kind of early morning and late night show that kids would hide away from their parents trying to watch, like an anime on Adult Swim. In this dream my family seemed to live where I spent most of my childhood.

The dream was like an LSD trip, and no, I don't take any adverse street or prescription drugs. There was a senseless part where my dad actually kissed me on the stomach, which somehow gave off a brief but strong pulling feeling (obviously wrought of a feeling I had in my stomach in reality while lying down sleeping), a part where we actually had a basement in that old house (there was never a basement in that house originally) and it was huge with many dark corners (abnormally huge and dark), a part where shortly after my dad kissed my stomach, I asked him why (as opposed to being fucking freaked out in the first place), and when I did, my whole family gathered around in our abnormally large kitchen to hear me out. At this point, it was like our house was bigger than it should have been, and located somewhere else. The reaction to my question didn't make any sense, and in this unstable nightmare there was never an instance of me continuing further after my family gathered in the kitchen, expecting me to explain myself rather than my dad for doing such a weird thing in the first place.

The dream would proceed on moments where my brother and I watched the manga from the beginning on TV freely around my parents and sister, which is unrealistic to how it would be in reality since the three of them are severely retarded on Christianity, lol. Beyond that, there was a moment where we were out on the patio of our backyard at night, and my dad was messing with some kind of huge stand lined with cords (think of a bendable light that you can attach to things to light an office desk), which fell over. There was also a moment where my dad offered to give me a piggy back ride for no reason (which would have ended tragically, lmao).

Then there was a moment where it seemed like someone was below our house - possibly in the basement - burrowing through the kitchen floor where the stove was situated. At that point, I told my family members that we needed to leave the home, and that someone was trying to harm us. It seemed to be around midnight outside, and we headed for our van. Then I woke up.


I don't know why I keep having weird dreams, but I'm not taking any sort of drug that would cause them (contrary to the beliefs of my furry website-bound enemies, but trolls will be trolls, lol...).

Demon / home invasion nightmare


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    Makes as much sense as most manga.