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Indefinite Hiatus by Pancaked

I'll respond to comments or notes or whatever but I just need a break. Emotionally, I'm in a really bad place and honestly I don't think it'd matter if I was here or not. Socializing has just proven to be a fruitless effort for me as I'm just too tired, scared, or all around fed up with trying anymore.

This has nothing to do with anything really here so much as just people as a whole. I think I will just keep to myself for a little while, as I'm just depressed to the point I'm crying tonight over really stupid, petty things that I can't even talk about without getting six people jumping down my throat. In the end, it's the same pattern that always happens and I just have to calmly step away from this situation as a whole in order to keep myself sane.

I am doodling, working on things, etc, but I don't know if or when I'll post them. I honestly just don't have the urge to draw anything for myself anymore as I feel that perhaps I hate myself a lot more than I'd like to admit. I'm getting older, to the point that I should probably wean myself from sites anyway seeing as this isn't my income anymore. Not that it ever really was but...

I would say I'm sorry for leaving, but again, it's not that big of a deal if I disappear for a while.

Indefinite Hiatus


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    Take all the time you need. Hope you feel better!

  • Link

    Do what you need to do. See ya' when you get back.