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Past motivation, current desire by GuzzleMuzzle

It's not very reputable. Porn, basically. I've always loved writing out sensual things that involved beastly or monstrous beings. And it took a toll on me.

When you delve deeply into something massively questionable, you make both friends and enemies. Same for any artistic venture. I've spent over 2 years overthinking what I had written before, and even while I was writing it, I had my doubts. But people liked most of it, and I don't think they would mind more of it.

It's hard to say if whether I've had "writer's block" or fell out of the loop altogether. I think it was the latter. I started having massive doubts as to if what I had in mind was "good" at all.

I've always looked for approval concerning my writing. Regardless of the percieved quality of my writing, I have almost impossible expectations of myself when it comes to it. If I was more comfortable with the sheer fact that I'm an amateur writer, I wouldn't feel so bad about writing.

I don't mind catering to a predominately furry audience, as I usually have, though some of my ideas fall relatively outside of that demographic. And the more "inspired" I am to write for them (see my first paragraph), the less problems I have doing just that.

It's nice that, ever since I've been in a certain Skype chatroom and ever since about half a year ago, there's been a couple of folks who recognized me from FA. Worthwhile pursuit or not, it goes to show how many folks my works have resonated with, and to an extent that makes me feel nice.

There's been a large element of embarrassment concerning my older writings, but I've been wanting to return to that vein. Part of my falling out of the art loop has had me very snobbish about art in general, like, for where there are smaller names just trying to express themselves and have fun, I've been more so drawn to bigger names. I really, really don't like that. It's like a spit in the face to inspired folks. D:

I've floated around Weasyl here from time to time, and there's been a few submissions I never faved that I MEANT to fave. I'm very easy to please, but that's been less so the case in recent times. Still, I love simply beholding what others have to share, and looking those things over to hopefully compliment the artist, writer, or musician.


Getting back in the writing habit myself would lend to my desire to peruse other people's galleries more. Also I take back what I said about writing. People read, and some folks absolutely love to read. I don't have much right to complain when I receive a fairly large amount of submission views per submission.

I also...really want to stop bashing Christianity. I have my qualms with it mainly because of family, which shouldn't be allowed to make me be such a bigot about it concerning other folks who, in the majority of cases, only mean well to their fellow beings.

I'm going to return to writing. Despite the failings of our favorite companies and groups, and the depreciation of our heroes and beloved icons, art lives on in the hearts of everyone. Nintendo fans, Pokemon fans, Mega Man fans, Sony franchise fans, Xbox franchise fans, big or "once big" non-gaming-console specific game company fans, non-gaming fans, music lovers who grew up more with music than games and visuals, text lovers who've always grown up reading, writing, and brainstorming their own writings, artists who've always wanted to draw or craft their favorite things and depictions, however implying.

It's not easy to kill artistry. It will always live on as long as people strive to perpetuate what is and once was. And it needs to continue to live on through me as well...

Past motivation, current desire


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