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FWA Meme by Malachyte

I'm going to be attending FWA for my first time, and I don't really know a lot of furs that go to that one. Here's hoping I make some new friends~

Where are you staying?

Main hotel, I'm pretty sure.

What day are you getting there?

I think Thursday night, as per usual. And I'm staying through till Monday morning as far as I know.

Who will you be rooming with?

tobyfox and some other people who I don't know/are undecided. It's still in the works.

Who will you hang out with during the convention?

Everyone and anyone, practically.

Will you be suiting?

Actually yes! I need to post pictures of it so people know what I look like in suit. Spoilers, it's not a red panda.

Do you do free art?

Sometimes. Nothing fancy, but I am likely to give out stupid doodles or sketches for people who are at a con for the first time. It's the best way I know to break the ice with someone new :p

What is your gender?

I'm a pretty pretty princess.

How tall are you?


Are you taken? Are you looking for a 'mate'?

I'm inside my married house. Don't knock, I won't answer.

Can I talk to you?

I insist that you do.

Can I touch you?

Nope, unless it's like a head pat or you are saving me from falling down some stairs to my death.

How can I find you?

I'm going to be in the Artist Alley a lot, so look for the red head with glasses and a ponytail. There are pictures of my face in my gallery if you are so inclined to find them. You can even print it out and draw it up like a map, then go on a treasure hunt for me. Not weird at all.

Can I visit your room?

Not so much. I like my room more private. Party time is for outside the room.

Can I buy you drinks?

Depends on the context.

Can I hug or snuggle with you?

No thanks.

Are you nice?

I'm pretty nice, but sometimes I am not.

Do you have an artist table?


Will you be going to parties?

Probably not.

Will you be performing?

ffffffffffffffffffffffff no

If I see you, how should I get your attention?

Call out "Spix" and watch for the girl cringing from the poor choice of name. Or call out "Spixy" and we can skip the cringing part.

What/where will you be eating?

I bring my own food/subsist on air.

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?

I don't go out for food, it is expensive. But, I do trade art for food, if you are interested. For serious, buy me lunch and I'll draw you like a French girl.

Can I draw in your sketchbook?

YES That would be way fun. I don't care if you "can't draw", you should still do it. I will take stick figures.

Can I take your picture?

Fine by me.

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?

Meet a bunch of artists I look up to. I am crazy nervous to do so, but I think it would be fun. Also to have people ask me questions about my art. I love doing that. Also selling enough art to make up the cost of gas money, and maybe hotel money if I'm real good.

FWA Meme


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    "I'm inside my married house. Don't knock, I won't answer."

    Best possible answer to anything ever.

    I had said I'd like to go to FWA when you said you were still looking for who to room with, but if I tried getting time off next month now I'd probably get told I'd have to have requested it off a few weeks ago :I