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ConCast Season 2 by etheras

Good evening, my subjects!
Just wanted to post here and let everybody know that Con Cast (season 2) is live. We post every Friday at noon Eastern US time. So what is Con Cast? Its a talk show, about 30 minutes long, with myself (Etheras) as the host and editor, documenting the production of Game of Con Chairs. Each week, we talk about a different aspect of furry conventions, from game rooms to dances to panels to con suites, chatting with the staff at our own convention to figure out the problems that some cons have in their area of expertise, and how they solve them. Which conventions do the weekly topic best, what they do right, and how we might be able to incorporate what they've learned.
Its really a great resource for anyone running a convention, or trying to start a new one, and an informative look under the hood of making a convention possible for anyone who just likes to attend them. :)
Listening is free. We have them up on Soundcloud at

I hope you'll give it a listen :)
~ etheras

ConCast Season 2
