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Status update: Life, etc.. xD (looong overdue) by Deviantmarshal

So I've not been drawing, creating, or ... anything much at all this year so far, mainly because I'm retaking a GCSE to (hopefully) make my future employment prospects a bit better. Not that I plan to leave my current job or anything, god no!!1! But at the same time I've been working on applying for a scholorship fund, essencially a wad of cash set aside for anyone with a plan to improve the Falkland Islands in some way.. and yes I chose to use it by taking an animation course.. xD

Anyway, the GCSE bit has been a bit of a struggle, I barely scraped rock-bottom the first time around (About 4-5 years ago or something, when I was still in school) and this time it's still bringing back demons I'd left dead and buried.. at least the exam itself is around a week or so from now so that'll all be over and done with.. >3<
As for the course, that's not likely to start until around the beginning of 2016 (start date is Feb, so kinda missed that this year.. ^^; )... Meh, at least that won't (shouldn't) be a problem, at least it'll give me time to sort out computers, software, etc~

So hopefully as things start winding down I'll get back into the swing of art and stuff, though I do have an animation planned and in progress (yes... another one, at least this time I might get somewhere with it... -3- ). I'll post about that or something when I get to a better position on it. :P

Also, mental note to get caught up on MLP, 4-5 episodes in and I've MISSED EVERY SINGLE ONE!! @.@

Status update: Life, etc.. xD (looong overdue)


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