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Agenda 2015 - April to June by ProphetEKA

Previously on 'Agenda'
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January to March:

  • Get the next Biff book done. NOPE! And the reason will shock you... unless you follow me elsewhere then you probably already guessed why.
  • Keep saving for those Gundam bits. Yes and no? o.O
  • Try not to hurt my dominant hand (or arm) so bad I can't work for an extended period again. Done! = D

First quarter of the year went... interestingly? Yeah. That's a good word for it.

Spent a bit too long on getting Biff Vol.2 set fixed up for ComiXology. There were some things and I just had a hell of a time getting it prepped properly. Instead of trying to hastily build and send out Biff Vol.4, I decided my time was better spent on launching a Patreon for my work - both Biff-related and otherwise. This was a great idea! Why? 'Cause it seems I kinda' miss having a boss of sorts. I've been a bit more active in getting things done and I've been a bit smarter about not killing myself to get said things done.

I have a habit of doing things until I hurt if I'm doing them for myself. I'll keep on going until my spine is a column of pain and my eyes are useless just to get a single item out of the way. With folks monetarily on the hook, I've found I don't do such stupid things. This has meant a few late strips but it also means I've stopped drawing to sleep instead of soldiering on deep into the next day without a care on how that will affect me for the next week.

I'm also getting something I rarely ever get - feedback. Not sure why there's a sudden uptick in questions/comments but I'm really happy to see it. = )

On the Gundam tip: I got the cash I paid the government last year in estimated taxes back. After I sat on it for a while, I saw that two of the bits I needed were pretty much down to the single digits in quantities. Not sure when Bandai will re-release the good 'ol Astray Blue Frame without it being the extra crazy modded ones they've been pumping out, I dropped some cash on getting it and one of the extra fancy weapon dealies I wanted to get as an early birthday gift to myself. One that will come in May. Hopefully.

Now for the normal stuff...

Basic vault rules apply:
Keep Moving Forward.

April to June:

  • Get Biff Vol.4 done.
  • Get back on the "Ghouls'R Gals" project.
  • Spend some quality time knee deep in Gunpla and paint.

Yeah. That's doable. = )

Agenda 2015 - April to June


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