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Patreon up for consideration…again… by Fira

For those who don't know me all that well, I can't withstand most ​normal​ jobs. Not only does my scoliosis prevent me from lifting heavy object (25 lbs. carry limit, 50 lbs. dead lift limit) but my body isn't able to tolerate stressful jobs like call centers. The last time I tried—thanks to other factors adding onto the problem that I won't mention due to the circumstances surrounding it—I had a major breakdown that led to a blood pressure in the 170/x range. Unfortunately, when I'm pushed to my limits like that, my body really starts to break down.

I need something to drive me to write, and I have half of that fulfilled: I need to help my family pay bills. The incentive of money is helping me write to a slight degree. However, I'm constantly distracted by other things, especially when my mates are wanting to do things with me or pinging me on IM.

I was actually ​supposed​ to have put myself on hiatus until I find out if my mates and I are going to move or not, but I've been trying to write regardless. In fact, the only reason I'm not writing at this very moment is because I'm having to do an OS reinstall on my main work machine, and my social machine doesn't have enough memory to run both my social apps ​and​ FocusWriter (which I've been using).

All that said, I ​am​ seriously considering starting a monthly Patreon again if this keeps up. Then, I can honestly say, "This is my job, and I need to get my tail to work on my stories." I won't make the decision until after I know what's going to happen, and if we do move, it won't be until after the move is done in a couple of months. All of that depends on whether one of my mates has a job lined up when we get to where we want to move to.

So yeah, there's that. Just thought I'd get it out there, and perhaps get some feedback about it.

Patreon up for consideration…again…


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