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Latest Review/Errata by Threetails

First of all, I'd like to say to whoever did the anonymous review of "The Vimana Incident" posted on its Furplanet order page, thank you for your honesty and I would love to talk to you in detail about how I might have improved it. I'm making a serious effort to improve myself as a writer and reaching out to anyone willing to call out the flaws in my work.

I know this review was a particularly honest one because these were things I was concerned about, but had a hard time fixing. This was my attempt at writing the best story I could with my current abilities but it shows that I'm still lacking.

Lt. Aksakova's backstory is one I particularly regret being stumped on how to develop more because she is an interesting character, being a female officer, the one Soviet member of the crew, and asexual. She's the odd one out in so many ways and I wanted to tell more about her, but I was struggling with pacing and was afraid it would slow the book down. A good writer should know how to fit something like that without breaking pace, though, and I'm embarrassed to say it's one of the things I still haven't figured out.

This also means I didn't quite succeed in what I set out to do, which was to write a book with all of the best qualities of a Philip K. Dick novel but none of its drawbacks. Instead, I've got ideas, and those ideas are good, but I'm hitting a wall when it comes to developing them and setting a steady pace. I've seen that exact same critique of Dick.

I don't want to be just a carbon copy of him; I want to be better and I have a clear set of objectives on how to do that. I just need someone who has actually read my work to help me with a bit of advice.

If the writer of that review is reading this, please get in touch. PM me or send me an e-mail ([same user name as above] at gmail dot com) and let's talk writing.

Also, one major Errata I MUST acknowledge before someone calls me out on it: In the acknowledgments I described Johnathan Lethem as an "editor" when what I intended to say was "award-winning writer and one of the editors of Philip K. Dick's Exegesis" but overlooked the passage in my revisions. My sincerest apologies to Dr. Lethem, this was not intended as a slight but was an innocent oversight on my part.

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    I rather wanted to learn more about Aksakova, too, but I'm not sure where you could have fitted that in.

    Have you read 'Cloud Atlas', by the way? I'm re-reading after watching the film over Easter, and spotting a lot more of its cleverness second time around.

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      I haven't actually, but it's been mentioned to me so many times now and the whole of the "Occidentania Cycle" has that vibe to it, as a work of metafiction. So far only a couple of people have read all the books (my father and Kishniev that I know of) and they agreed that as a meta work it's brilliant. In "Vimana" you might spot several easter eggs referring to other stories (I referenced "Cirrostratus" several times).

      I've heard that "Cloud Atlas" is the only thing anything like what I've done, and I think it's flattering that my work can be compared to it while still standing on its own. My interest in "Cloud Atlas" has been piqued, though.

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        Once again I wish we lived near each other so we could swap books :)