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Please be advised~ by Pearlsnake

that my streams are Moderated.
Be nice. If any of the artists streaming with me or I tell you to do something or shut up and drop the topic, do it. I will not tolerate people coming on my stream and calling me or guest artists names or liars.

~On that tangent, if you get confused by my pronouns and use the incorrect ones by accident that's fine, people make mistakes. But if one of my mods or I correct you and you continue to misgender me/my friends/guest artists or you use slurs and demeaning talk out of spite, I WILL ban you. I will also take a screen cap and report you.
I'm not a mean person, I have like two people on my ban lists across all the sites I use and I really like to be accessible and have people in the chat talking and enjoying the show but I won't regret banning anyone for abuse.


Please be advised~


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      But hopefully all is well and we can continue just having fun on streams :>

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    Here here. I hope the occurrences are few and far between.

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    it's basically why i just keep to casual things i use to anyone until gender becomes a big issue. i call people "buddy" or "dude" just as my friendly agender "nickname" tli i get a better one to call 'em by. :)

    can completely relate though; pressing a peeve is obnoxious no matter how many or few times you tell someone. hopefully folks can lear to respect that stuff for ya though :)

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      It's not so much a peeve, what was done was on purpose and in a taunting manner. I don't mind mistakes, I really don't! I know people might struggle, especially if they have met me or I'm on mic, so you know, mistakes I'll just gently correct "please and thank you." and most people who are on my stream have been great about house rules~ I actually, generally, have 0 problems on live sessions, my watchers are mostly regulars and they're all great people and a respectful crowd. ^_^