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Update! And commissions by LudoCrow

Just an update as an head's up. Basically, recently completed a big commission, a comic sequence which I'm now in the process of resizing for FA prior to posting.
As I'm doing this, I am also in the process of doing the same for some personal practice pieces which I felt might be worth posting as well while I complete current commissions.

First, an announcement.
As for commissions themselves... my queue's taken a bit of a hit obviously as I completed recent works, however I still have a couple to go on and complete.

This said, while this week is busy with printing paperwork for taxes and the like, I also find myself with my hours cut at work which, at least in the short to middle term, will leave me with more time to produces commission artwork.

As a result, I am still officially open for commissions!.

If you are interested, just send me a note!

Currently in my queue, amongst others, are Crystala Crystala and Onom Onom

Prices update forewarning!(tentatively incoming May 1rst)

This is just a tentative forewarning that I will be trying to update my price come the 1rst of May. This will see, normally, a small 5 to 10$ increase for lineworks commissions.

These changes will not be enacted before May 1rst at the earliest and will normally come only with a new and up to date commissions pricesheet submission for an up to date reference on the type of commissions I will take on.

Update! And commissions


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