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Art Spam Done! by Zaezar

I'm all done uploading the art I got of Wynn. Thank you all for sticking through the art spam. This is the first time I have bought a character.
Its also been probably over a year since I added a character to my main 6 characters. I guess main 7 now?

I might as well make this a bit of an update as well, seeing as it might be on my main page for a couple of days at least.

Everything is going pretty well. Classes are annoying, though. Mostly just the workload has increased as of late. But I guess I should be expecting that now that its nearing the end of the semester.

I picked up a record player finally! Its been something that I have been toying with for a long time. Now that it looks like I will move into a new place, I figure it would be a good way to give some life to the place =)
Plus, I got one that matches my 60 year old clock. So bonus for keeping the theme going! I'm actually really exited to see what albums I can get on it in the future. I'm always surprised at how many new bands are releasing stuff on vinyl. Know anything really good? Let me know! I might consider picking up a vinyl from them eventually!

Internet is still really spotty. For about an hour during the art spam, my internet just froze up and refused to work. So I made dinner and got back to it when it worked again. I am very hesitant to stream this week due to these issues. I will do a test stream if I think its up to the task later this week. If all goes well, then I will be back to the regularly scheduled program. crosses fingers

Art Spam Done!


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