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Hi! by Sprout

So this is Weasyl. Pretty neat, shiny, new and stuff!

But I'm kind of confused.. how do you search for users? And what is the difference between friending and following? (I'm probably just sticking to follow)

Right now the site is cool but very slow. I'm sure that has to do with it being in beta and all. Don't see myself leaving FA anytime soon, but I'll try and keep this updated. :)



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    Ya, same opinion so far. Very shiny and sleek looking, and that makes me pretty excited. However I find myself stumbling around over things I feel should be a lot simpler. I too would like to know what "Friend" actually means. I can't seem to find anything in their forums about it either.

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      I'm still trying to get used to it too ;~; but I think after a while, like any new website we try out, it'll take a while to get used to ^^ .

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    Ok so here's one thing "Friends" means ...

    You can set various submissions to be "For friends only." So when you post them only your actual friends will see them and not your followers. It's just further segregating who can see stuff really I guess. I found this while looking at Collections, which is another thing I find kinda eh, but it's there. I'm assuming you can do the same thing with journals and other stuff. So ... it's going to be tough for me cause I hate being exclusive... but... mostly make people followers I guess? Unless you really like them/know them/whatever guidelines you want to set... make them a friend?

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      The 'Friends' option is something few communities use and is there for artists that may have art they want to share with friends but not the rest of the internet. It's entirely optional so you can ignore it if you want, but it's very useful to many artists since it's more like "filtering" than "segregation".

      As for Collections, from what I understand it's a way for commissioners or artists to post one copy of a picture and then the other to feature the same submission in their gallery so you don't have two or three people posting the same image. It also consolidates all feedback to the single image. A common problem on FA was the commissioner getting all the feedback and the artist getting maybe a couple favs or vice versa, so this is a win solution for all parties.

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        Ya, I'm trying to sort out the friends thing really, as of the moment it appears EVERYONE both follows and friends me, and I feel like a jerk if I don't friend them back. Currently have this issue on F-list actually D=

        Collections question if you know it. I'm not in any yet and do have a fuller opinion behind this but... Do we, the collectors, get pinged when a comment is made towards a piece we've collected? As in do I get a message in my box saying "So and so commented on this piece." Or am I simply just noted on the piece as being in it and I only see things if I actively go to it and look? If I don't, then this is great for the artist sure, but really rots for the consumer. I mean... they paid for it, they want to see the attention it gets too if you know what I mean. =) I can already see that if it's in my collection, it gets posted to all my friends as well I think. So this is fantastic for the social networking aspect I was really worried about too... [Because if it wasn't there, then honestly collections hinder new under the radar artists as opposed to pop-u-artists.]

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          I don't consider the internet to be my friend so I have no problem ignoring any random schmoe that sends me a friend request. It does seem to have the problem of nonartists abusing and spamming the artists with requests though, even the ones that aren't actually using the system.

          I'm not actually sure if all involved parties receive messages for collection pieces or not. There might be a tickable option for opting in or out of it, but I don't remember. Traffic's been slow enough around here that I haven't tested it. The place is also in beta though so if that's not a feature, might be good to suggest it.

          No, I don't actually know what you mean about the attention thing. I don't commission artists to garner attention, I do so because I like their work. I don't really care what other people think about the pictures I pay for :\

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            Ah, sorry. I shouldn't assume that for everyone then. When you create art, you want to hear what others think about it right? Especially commissions, you like to hear what your customer has to say about the piece you create for them? For most of us consumers, it's the same. We don't have the ability you do to create it, but we have ideas and we go to artist who we like the style of and think can render our ideas the best so that we can take that piece and proudly show it off. Art is very moving and an emotion invoking medium to me, and I've always felt it something to share with others, and I like seeing that something I helped inspire and paid for has made other people feel something as well. Emotionally I'm just as invested in the work as the artist is in creating it. That's why I as a consumer like to see the comments, and I imagine others do too.

            So ya, sorry. I felt a little shallow for my original response. I just wanted to clear it up. =( Sorry if I'm butting heads.

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              No worries, I think I've been making the same mistake of assumption based on annecdote. Backing up a bit, one major thing to realize is that different people get fulfillment from different things. When I create art, I don't mind sharing it with friends, but feedback is not what drives me to create. My own passions, ideas, and synergy with other creators is what drives me. Some artists do it for the fame and attention, others for the sake of expressing themselves to the world or making a particular point, and some like myself just enjoy the pencil mileage and learning experience.

              Feedback from the commissioner is important because their money is on the line, but community feedback is mostly important to artists who require external sources of inspiration. To artists who internalize their drive, feedback can be superfluous, especially with commissions since the ideas are their own :P

              Thank you for the clarification! I respect your positive view towards art and though I don't fully relate, I understand where you're coming from :)

              There was not as much head-butting as I might have sounded like. I shouldn't be responding on the internet while I'm running a fever, as I sound angrier than I actually am, so my apologies for that.

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    hay :D welcome to weasyl!

    Friends basically just means list of friends. You can mark submissions and stuff as friends only, if you only wanna share with people you know better.