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Anthrocon Duck Stamp Panel? by Nambroth

EDIT: Due to a lack of interested folks that are actually able to make the con/panel, I decided that it'd probably be best just to answer any questions people might have at my dealer's table. That seems more convenient for everyone and less of a letdown!!

Okay first of all- Happy April! This is NOT a joke, despite the date.

Anyone that is planning on going to Anthrocon:

Is there any interest at all in a Q&A type panel, discussing the duck stamp, the art competition, my experiences and stories, and conservation? I feel a panel like this would be suuuper awkward if only one or two people came, so I don't really want to submit a proposal unless I can at least get a handful of folks. On one hand it feels very self-centered, but on the other hand I am now officially qualified to talk about this sort of thing, and... it does a lot of good for wildlife and habitat (which .... maybe.... furries care about? Maybe not). Any awareness I can bring the program is bigger than my own lack of self esteem about talking about it.

The problem is of course, I just don't see many convention-goers giving a darn about this. It's a little depressing to think that a group of animal loving people generally don't know or care much about conservation issues. But it is reality, I suppose.

Disclaimer: I know that such a talk is not best targeted at this audience, and the only reason I'm considering it is because I'm going to Anthrocon anyhow.

Anyhow, would any of you that are going be interested... or not so much? You won't hurt my feelings.

Anthrocon Duck Stamp Panel?


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    I am not going to AC but, am from a family that duck hunts and would love to chat with you about this, just to mention to the table at Easter and other gatherings that I have had a conversation with the artist.

    You rock! I always wanted a furry or someone loosely affiliated with the fandom to win that.

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    Iiiiii don't actually know what the duck stamp is so I can't really say if I'd be interested or not XD

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    If I was going, I'd be there! Unfortunately, I'm not going =(

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    For folks who don't know what a duck stamp is:

    I'm not going to AC but I think this would be a great panel if you broadened the topic and then drew on your duck stamp contest experience for your presentation. I've only ever submitted photos to small local contests (usually benefiting State Parks) and have never even thought of doing a national contest like the duck stamp.

    Stuff I would want answered at your panel

    -A little bit about yourself and your history with this contest. How many times have you entered? How many times did you win or place? Why did you choose this contest? Do you choose the subject matter or does each year have a theme? What is your personal connection to the duck stamp contest? Tell us about conservation and why we have this contest here!
    -What was it like? Can you give us a timeline of your submission from start to finish?

    -How did you present your painting? For photography, we're still expected to matte or frame our photos in a flattering manner. What did you do for your painting? Did you do it yourself or did a professional framer do it?
    -How do you submit your paintings? Do they need to be mailed somewhere or can you submit digitally? Do you hand deliver or do you use the mail?
    -What are judges looking for in these types of contests? Is there a certain subject matter that is appealing? Do judges prefer traditional or digital media?

    -How do you handle the rights when you enter a contest like this? I know that on furry sites its a popular scam to do "Paint pictures of my character and the best one gets $100 teehee", so how does it work in a nationally recognized art contest? How do you know when a contest is legitimate? Who retains the rights?
    -What connections did you make from entering/placing/winning this contest? Were you able to network with artists you otherwise would not have met? Did this look good on a resume?

    -Cost. How much did it cost you to produce the art for the contest and then enter it? Can we see a break down of your budget? Was it economically feasible for you to do this?
    -Hidden cost/hidden rewards? Was there something that you didn't expect to budget for like shipping? Did you learn a new technique or make a new professional connection?
    -Any other contests that people who enjoy animal art should enter? Are there any other contests that you enter or know of that would fit with wildlife, animal, furry or fantasy art?
    -Any advice you would have for a budding or novice artist? Anything that you wish you knew the first time you entered? Or perhaps something that was imparted to you when you didn't place or didn't win? How do you know if your art is of the quality that the contest is looking for? How do you not get scammed into doing free art for a business?

    This is just a bit of brainstorming but I think you have a lot of material to work with here. And considering some of the previous panels at AC (2 is considered a panel) , I think you should go for it! Even if people don't know what the Duck Stamp contest is, they still might be interested in entering a professional level contest or it might spark them to learn more about how their art can help charities.

    And I feel your pain. I'm glad that most furry charities and conventions like AC donate to local animal causes like shelters but I also tend to find that a lot of furries don't really care about conservation, animal abuse or animal welfare.*
    I hope this helps and was on topic!

    *I am thankful for the handful of people that I connect with who do.