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The implications of the IMVU buyout - The history of Furry by Aerak

So the dust has settled on FurAffinity and it seems like all is quiet and going back to normal.

I pose a question to you all, but first, some history.

Furry got it's start in underground comics of the 60s and 70s. My friend Flip suggests the true start of the furry aesthetic was in a comic from the late 70s called Vootie. Furry animals were being used to discuss human topics that were taboo at the time. Well, over the decades furry grew - it grew from hundreds to thousands of fans. The fandom didn't have corporations to provide content unlike, for example, anime, so the fandom created it's own content. You have hundreds of artists of all kinds in a symbiotic relationship with the fans. And we built. Furry publishing companies popped up, publishing comics, and stories from furry artists. Websites like Furnation, created and run by furries came about to provide web hosting for furry. Furaffinity was created by a furry and run by furries (the success of which seems to be under wide debate) for use by the furry fandom. In this video, Jeffrey Eddy (co owner of Sofawolf) describes furry as "our own thing. A homespun creation based on a single criteria"

Now, for the first time in our history, our community is not in our hands. Furaffinity, it could be argued, is a flagship brand of furry, and now the biggest furry website on the internet (in the history of the internet) is in the hands of a corporation - Not in the hands of the fandom.

So now I pose the question to you all, and even if you don't respond to my journal, I want to you think about this - Is it a good thing? Do you, personally, want Furry in the hands of a corporation? Will there be an impact and what do you believe that might be?

So for me, YES, I have effectively left Fur Affinity. Not because I fear art theft, and not because I dislike IMVU (but they NEED better furry avatars!), but because at this time I disagree with a corporation, for the first time in furry history, having the keys to the car.

We cannot change what has been done, but we can protest this decision by leaving Fur Affinity and switching to a different furry controlled community website. I choose Weasyl.

The implications of the IMVU buyout - The history of Furry


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    I personally like the soul and effort put in the fandom by the fandom.
    This is for me a community of friendship and not a product.

    So I took the decision to start leaving FA, I'm in the middle of migrating altogether to Weasyl.
    The personal touch to it all is what I love with this fandom and I wouldn't want it any other way.