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Why date those with their heart on their sleeve... by jmac32here

Why date those with their heart on their sleeve...

I found this online, and it rings so true.

(Was originally written about girls, but I edited it because there are guys like this too)

By Joe Valentine:

We’ve all met one. To some (s)he’s the “emotional train wreck.” Others call him/her the life of the party. (S)he’s the girl or guy whose opinions are never hidden, whose emotions are laid bare. (S)he’s unpredictable. The girl or guy with no filter. A sensitive soul who could jump for joy today yet explode like a volcano tomorrow. (S)he’s fiercely loyal to everyone (s)he loves but will hold the mother of all grudges if you lose his/her trust. His/Her eyes have dampened far too many floors, both with tears of joy and tears of sorrow. On the surface, (s)he might seem like a hassle that most can do without. Most will think they don’t want the drama that surrounds this diva. (S)he’s the distraction a successful person doesn’t need. Yet the girl or guy who wears his/her heart on his/her sleeve is still great dating material…

It’s the dedicated, hard-working males or females. The men or women who are most identified with their inner masculine. Those who seem almost obsessed with making gains, meeting goals, and getting ahead. These are the men or women who will melt at this person's feet. It’s his/her flowery feminine energy that attracts these alphas. This divine femininity which flows through him/her. It fuels his/her passion, his/her emotion, his/her ability to live and breathe each moment of his/her existence. It’s why (s)he can spend hours dancing, shopping, or speaking on the phone. It’s why (s)he feels the emotion in every kiss, every scream, every scene in his/her favorite film. The alpha lacks this energy. (S)He sacrifices it for more masculine traits but remains naturally attracted to it. And that’s why (s)he’ll always fall for the girl or guy with his/her heart on his/her sleeve. (S)He’ll revel in his/her feminine energy. (S)He’ll feel complete. At the same time, (s)he’ll love the stability and safety this strong alpha contributes to his/her crazy lifestyle. The sexual chemistry will spark as fast as a red-hot electrical circuit, but can dwindle just as easily without extra sparks sometimes.

Of course, that doesn’t make their relationship plain sailing. An alpha won’t understand why this (wo)man can be so angry. Why does (s)he get so upset and stressed in seemingly trivial situations? Why does (s)he pull him up on every little slip? It’s often not anyones fault. It’s his/her nature to embrace the emotion of the moment. The same feminine energy that drives him or her wild with desire will bewilder him or her in day-to-day life.

Don’t be frustrated by this. Embrace it. This fiery person is the ocean. His/Her emotions are controlled by so many components. (S)he’s complicated, confusing, chaotic. You can’t get to the bottom of it using logic. Instead, feel him/her like a surfer feels the waves. If you make a mistake, course-correct in the present moment. Don’t use examples from the past or promises for the future. Show him/her you’re sorry now.

Just like the ocean, this (wo)man will always be unpredictable. You will never fully understand him/her. But what a naturally beautiful gift (s)he will be for those who learn to handle him/her.

– beautifullyhuman

Why date those with their heart on their sleeve...


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